Moving Average fullshift FREE

Moving Average fullshift. FREE Forex indicator for MT4

Moving average, which can move not only to the right / left, but also up / down.

You can also choose the display mode of the indicator in the form of a line or in the form of points and all other settings of the standard moving average.
When several indicators are superimposed in one window, it is possible to narrow the price channels more clearly, setting their individual settings for each border.

Buy Moving Average fullshift customer indicator in the store selling algo trading systems 


  • Line_or_Dot - the display mode of the indicator is true - in the form of a line, false - in the form of points;
  • MA_period - period of the moving average;
  • MA_shift_X - the number of candles to shift the indicator along the X axis (+1,2,3 .. - to the right, -1,2,3 .. - to the left);
  • MA_shift_Y - the number of items to shift the indicator along the Y axis (+1,2,3 .. - up, -1,2,3 .. - down);
  • MA_metod - the method of calculating the moving average (all the standard built-in MetaTrader methods);
  • MA_price - the prices at which the moving average is calculated (all the standard prices built into MetaTrader).

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